The Flu

 The Flu

by Dr. Regan Golob

In my 25 years of healthcare for others, I’ve seen some patterns. The most common one is the timing of flu’s. It seems to be related to cold weather, eating more concentrated foods, i.e. sugars and proteins, and the stress of added holiday and family activities.

So, we can factor in physical, chemical and emotional stress. All
this is a perfect stage for some little virus to say, “Let’s breed! We’ve got warmth, sugar and a weakened body!”

I think a flu begins and ends in the colon; it may migrate to different areas of the body from there. At the first sign of a flu, the best thing to do is an enema with either Redmond Clay water, or a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar to a pint of water. Then take a probiotic to help the normal flora to re-establish itself.

For preventative measures, start before the overeating begins. Do my 7-day Carrot Salad which is eaten with your evening meal – the recipe is as follows:

I suggest you mix 3 or 4 servings at one time. Then, you may add your favorite salad dressing, lettuce, rice, or raisins.

It is very important to eat this 7 days in a row to get the full benefit of flushing the liver and gallbladder. This will create more peristalsis of the intestines, so you may experience a looser bowel (hopefully).

Also, on the 3rd and 7th day, drink a glass of Redmond Clay water to help in detoxifying the body. The above recipe is great for anyone with liver problems or allergies, also. And, the recommendation is for every year one has had the problem, do the Carrot Salad 7 days, once-a-month, i.e. 20 years of allergies, do the salad and Miracle Clay™ water for 20 months.This addresses the chemical stress, so hopefully you can handle more
of all the other stress areas of winter.

P. S. This salad is also great for dogs with skin

Organic CarrotsOlicve oil

Dr. Golob’s 7-Day Carrot Salad

  • 1 Cup finely shredded carrots
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Lemon juice
  • Mix together and serve

(May add raisins, rice, apples, etc.)

Organic lemon

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