Pregnancy, Babies and Children

Pregnancy, Babies and Children

By Regan Golob

Infertility is an increasing problem in our society. A major cause is demineralized, devitalized foods. More than 50 years ago Dr. Frances Pottenger conducted a study on cats, feeding one group only raw foods and the other pasteurized milk and cooked meat. By the third generation, the cats on processed foods were becoming sterile.

We are now into the third generation of people raised on pasteurized milk and processed foods. So, to be optimally fertile, eat 75% of your diet as fruits and vegetables, preferably raw. Take bioavailable minerals as found in Wachters Futura 200 vitamin/mineral supplement and mineral supplements for calcium and magnesium. I have found zinc to be helpful for men and manganese for women who need additional help with becoming pregnant.

Wachters’ products are an excellent prenatal program, containing all needed nutrients in organic form. Most commercial prenatal vitamins prescribed by doctors are inorganic minerals which upset the mother’s stomach, especially inorganic iron. My son, Shea, was a great example of a healthy baby. My wife, Conleth, took chelated organic vitamins and minerals throughout her pregnancy, and found that the minerals helped greatly with nighttime leg cramps as well. Shea astounded the hospital staff by raising his head and looking around the room right after his delivery.

Breast milk is the best food for babies. Human milk is 1-1/2% protein, and most commercial formulas run about 18% protein, besides containing ingredients that are not natural to babies.

The protein percentage of mammal’s milk is inversely proportional to life span. We are genetically designed to live to about 140 years, so our protein requirement is low. Horses’ milk is 12%, and they live to be about 30. Mouse milk is very high in protein, and they live only a couple of years.

Ideally, an animal should never have a diet higher in protein percentage than the natural mother’s milk. In babies, excess protein equals colic.

If a baby is colicky on the breast, the mother should reduce her protein intake.

If you must feed formula, I recommend 1/3 whey milk, 1/3 organic carrot juice and 1/3 distilled water. At the very least, dilute a commercial formula with 1/3 organic carrot juice and 1/3 distilled water.

Babies should not have meat, even pureed, until they have canine teeth. That is the time when enzymes are present to digest the meat. When young children contract e-coli poisoning from eating meat, it simply means that they do not yet have the stomach acid and enzymes needed to destroy the harmful bacteria.

Do not feed children breads and other simple carbohydrates until they have their molars, a sign that they have the hormones and enzymes to digest the sugars. If you do feed these foods prematurely, you will force the body to erupt these teeth ahead of schedule and cause a great deal of stress.

Children develop their food tastes very early, and the biggest favor you can do is teach them to eat fruits and vegetables. If kids see you eating broccoli, they will like it too.

Limit grains, meats and dairy.

Cow’s milk is not appropriate for humans, even young ones, and is linked to ear infections.

Breast-fed children will get the nutritional supplements through the breast milk. Later you can start opening the capsules and putting the powder in foods.

Also, remember to think positive thoughts during your pregnancy, since babies definitely register the emotions around them even before birth.

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