Blood Chemistry

How To (Really) Read A Blood Chemistry

by Dr. Regan Golob

Many times a doctor will say, “Let’s get a blood profile.” Then they will report, “It’s all within normal.” But you still feel off. What I have noticed happening to “normal” ranges is they have changed several times since I began in the healing arts. So, I’m going to give you “Regan’s Normals” and what nutritional supplement to test for use for changing those numbers. Remember, our blood turns over every 120 days.

You may need a dictionary to read and understand some of this but hit the high points at least. Much of this information comes from “Guyton’s Medical Physiology,” and Dr. Brockman’s work.

Total protein:  (7.2-7.5)

Refers to the tissue building complex which has been stored in the liver on its way to the cells. It is difficult to just look at the total protein, because so many organs and glands are involved in protein digestion. Therefore, we look to the protein fractions albumin and globulin.

Low Protein

Rarely is a low protein count due to an insufficient intake of protein. If low,

  • Test for use: Organic apple cider vinegar or Betaine Hydrochloride with protein meal.
  • Also, eat your meat on the rare side. This should not be a problem if you are taking the above products.

Albumin:  (4.0-4.3)

Makes up the largest percentage of total protein and is responsible for 80 percent of the colloidosmotic pressure between blood and tissue fluids.

High albumin:

  1. One possibility is an indication of vessel sclerosis, check for altered T4 and Bun.
    Test for use: Wachters’ Futura 200.
  2. Another possibility is an indication of a lack of metabolic programming with copper by the parotids.
    Check for low calcium/phosphorous ratio and high T4.
    Test for use:

Low albumin:

Indicates a low blood viscosity, mostly followed with dilute or die syndrome (water retention), nutritional congestion and toxic build-up

  1. One possibility is kidney disease.
    Check for albumin in urine.
    Test for use: Wachters’ Futura 200..
  2. Second possibility is liver production of albumins is sluggish.
    Check for low SGPT.
    Test for use: Wachters’ Futura 200..
  3. Third possibility is low protein intake or unusable protein intake.
    Check for at least 20 grams of protein intake or very bad smelling flatulence.
    Test for use: Organic apple cider vinegar with protein meals. Cook meats rare (medium at very worst) and do not use microwave on proteins.

Globulin:  (2.5-3.5)

The next highest blood protein.  It is important in immune response.

High globulin:

  1. First possibility is the toxic process.
    Check for high total bilirubin and related lymphing.
    Test for use: thymus pump (beat on upper part of sternum while tongue is on roof of mouth).
  2. Second possibility is tissue breakdown.
    Check for high creatine.
    Test for use: Total Zeolite or ACZ Nano and Wachters’ Phyter-Zyme.
  3. Third possibility is inability of spleen and endoplasmic reticulum of the liver to tag invasive organisms, wrap them in fat and carry them to appropriate areas.
    Check for low T4 and SGPT normal or low, maybe altered bilirubin.
    Test for use: Total Zeolite or ACZ Nano
  4. Fourth possibility is acute infection or increased amount of nonspecific protein.
    Check for low bilirubin.
    Test for use: Total Zeolite or ACZ Nano B-12.

Low Globulin:

  1. First possibility is the inability to tag substances at the portal of entry.
    Check for elevated T4.
    Test for use: Wachters’ No. 22 Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation and do thymus pump.
  2. Second possibility is kidney disease.
    Check for altered sodium.
    Test for use: vitamin A, ACZ Nano or  Total Zeolite,  Wachters’ Futura 200Wachters’® Professional Formula C™, Parsley tea, green drink.
  3. Third possibility is fatty necrotic liver.
    Check for Altered BUN and SGPT.
    Test for use:  increase B-vitamins.
  4. Fourth possibility is colloidal proteins are not being absorbed.
    Check for low calcium, high phosphorous, low total protein.
    Test for use: Organic apple cider vinegar, Betaine Hydrochloride, Wachters’ No. 22 Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation.

Albumin-globulin ratio:  (1.35-1.60)

The representation of fibrinogen in the blood. This is the thickness and determines the clotting ability.

High A-G ratio

Indicates an increased viscosity of blood with a tendency to clot formation.
Test for use:

Low A-G ratio

A sub-clinical hemophiliac condition which can cause joint space to puff with blood, with small bleeding around nerve roots.
Test for use: Ester-C™ with Bio-flavonoids, , sesame seed oil (internally, also externally on affected joints).

Total Bilirubin:  (0.4 to 0.6)

Bilirubin reflects the function of the lymph and spleen system.

High total bilirubin:

Indicates thymus demand for the globulin fraction of protein to deal with toxins. This has decreased the hemopoeitic activity of the spleen, put it into a passive phase, and elevated the passive destruction of red blood cells.

Indicators: Confirmed by low white blood cells and high total iron. Confirmed by low white blood cells and high total iron.
Test for use:   steam therapy (saunas) and water fasts under the direction of a physician knowledgeable in this discipline.

Low total bilirubin:

Indicates infection being fought as the spleen enters the active phase.

Indicators: Low total iron, increased white blood cells. total iron, increased white blood cells.
Test for use:  B-12, folic acid, spleen tissue (glandulars)

SGPT: (18 – 22)

This is the primary Krebs cycle expressant, occurring as the end result of the release of catabolic fats. The SGPT enzyme exists in the serum as a consequence of substances being released by the fatty membranes of the liver sinusoids and the lymphatic ducts. The liver sinusoids store foods, and the lymphatic ducts store toxins.

High SGPT.

Indicates that the primary surfactant substance (vitamin A) is not sufficient to hold the nutrient and toxic substances. This means there are free-floating sugars, proteins and toxins.

Test for use: Vitamins A and D (surfactants)

If this is accompanied by high T4, Test for use:


  1. Possibly an excess of membrane-stored nutrients and toxins is not allowing water exchange.
    Test for use:  Increased B vitamins.
  2. A second possibility is fatty congestion of the liver and lymphatics, indicated by low T4.
    Test for use: Vitamin A.

SGOT: (18 – 22)

Indicates the presence of oxalic acid, a by-product of the conversion of the basic cholesterol molecule into estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. The epithelial cells in the gonads are specific for the conversion, at the level of the mitochondria, of cholesterol into sex hormone.

High SGOT.

Indicates excessive oxidation at the level of the membrane and a consequent deficiency of hormones.

Test for use: Vitamin E


Indicates the glandular function has been impaired by a lack of the conversive epithelium necessary.
Test for use:

The Bilirubin, SGPT and SGOT are associated with the liver, so the 7 Day Carrot Salad will always be indicated for either high or low readings. Increasing alkaline foods will also assist in reaching homeostasis.

Alkaline Phosphatase: (65-80)

An enzyme that is liberated by the metabolism of minerals and water at the cellular level. Traditional view sees this only in relation to bone cells, since in osteoblastic bone pathologies mineral metabolism is significantly altered and the enzyme may be dramatically elevated. Again, remember priorities. Is it better to have strong bones and die from acidic blood, or rob minerals from the bones and ligaments to help buffer the blood so as to stay alive a little longer?

I see Alkaline phosphatase as a read on the adrenal glands and the exchange of minerals across bone cell membrane via the secretion of mineral corticoids and by the uterus / prostate via their influence over body water balance (dilute or die) through their control of selenium.

Refer back to this section after the discussion of electrolyte physiology.

High Alkaline Phosphatase::

indicates an acid gland (hyperfunction) and alkaline blood system, by default, due to the fact the body has started to use ammonia to help get rid of excess protein. This can indicate the start of chronic degenerative dis-ease processes.

Test for use: Wachters’® Professional Formula C™.

Low Alkaline Phosphatase:

indicates an exhausted adrenal system and acid blood often associated with vascular swelling, depression, fatigue.
Test for use: Wachters’ Futura 200.

Lactic Dehydrogenase: (150-170)

This one can vary according to the lab, some are 150-170 other labs are 75-95 this depends on their process of measuring.

When sugar and water are exchanged across a muscle cell interface, a by-product called lactic acid is produced. When this lactic acid combines in the venous blood with CO2 there is a hydrogen displacement.

Lactic acid picks up two hydrogens to become an enzyme. LDH is, therefore, the indicator of that organ most directly responsible for exchange of sugar and water at the cellular level, the pancreas. It is important to realize, however, that glucose metabolism is a complex phenomenon involving a series of organs.

High LDH

Indicates an excessively acid blood as the result of high amount of sugar which has not been exchanged. Acid blood forces water out into the urine (polyuria), into the blood vessel walls (cutting down circulation), into the aqueous humor (blurred vision), all the symptoms of diabetes.

Test for use: Wachters’® Professional Formula C™, Wachters’ Phyter-Zyme to reduce the acidity of the blood. The green drink along with Bieler’s Broth* would be excellent.


Indicates low amount of blood sugar and slow response to change by the blood being alkaline by default (ammonia). This is responsible for retention of water and pancreatic hypoglycemia.

Test for use: powdered psyllium husk.  Do not consume flour products (bread, noodles, crackers, cereals).

Serum Lipids: Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Body Lipids

Serve primarily as a source of energy for metabolism. Among their other important functions is their part in the make-up of cell membranes integrity and their role as precursors of steroid hormones and bile acids.

The American diet (average) intake of lipids constitutes about 40% of the calories in the diet. Remember fats are neutral pH. It is rancid or altered fats, i.e. fried, hydrolyzed or use of non-fats as fats (canola oil) that play havoc on the system.

After ingestion, the lipids pass through the stomach on to the small intestines where digestion takes place. The majority of the triglycerides are hydrolyzed into their components, fatty acids and glycerol by pancreatic lipase. Cholesterol, and alcohol, is similarly hydrolyzed

Absorption of fat is facilitated by bile from the gallbladder, which hopefully will neutralize the acid bolus coming from the stomach to a pH of 7.2-8.4. If the bile doesn’t do this due to an over acid condition within the body the whole system goes on tilt, and the pancreatic enzymes are not able to perform, not to mention pancreatic lipase and phospholipids. Cholesterol is absorbed into the lymph in both the free and the esterified form. The fatty acids are actively absorbed by the intestinal cells where they are reconverted into triglycerides and then discharged into the lymphatic or portal blood.

Dietary intake affects blood cholesterol levels by about 5%. Cholesterol is synthesized in the reticlulum cells and histiocytes throughout the body but chiefly in the liver. Under the influence of iodine, carbohydrates, amino acids, and other fats are converted to cholesterol. As I see it the more capillary fragility (internal bleeding) from tumor growth, etc. the higher the cholesterol needs to be to assist in repair and the lower the thyroid goes due to the iodine being used for production of cholesterol, so the lower the energy and lower body temperature. Triglycerides are also assembled in the liver form glycerol and fatty acids. The liver is the main organ of regulation of the blood lipids.

Cholesterol:  (150- 260 mg/l)

High cholesterol:

  1. One possibility is the lubricator proteins are not being broken down properly or that combustion is not available or high amount of internal tissue destruction.
    Indicator: Very high cholesterol
    Test for use: Wachters’ Sea KlenzWachters’ Phyter-Zyme, celery juice, and decrease grains and proteins.
  2. Excessive hydrogenation of fats in stomach (pepsin/HCL imbalance)
    Indicator: Low phosphorous
    Test for use: okra pepsin.
  3. Hyperthyroid situation
    Indicator: Low T4
    Test for use: Wachters’ No. 22 Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation.
  4. Anterior pituitary inadequacy
    Indicator: Elevated BUN with triglycerides low or normal
    Test for use: Cranial work, Wachters’ Futura 200Wachters’ Elemental Greens, massage bottom right big toe aggressively.
  5. Bile emulsification problem
    Indicator: Low calcium and low bilirubin
    Test for use: ACZ Nano or  Total Zeolite, Bieler’s broth

In all cases increase your green vegetables, B-complex (choline and inositol) and whole lecithin granules

Low Cholesterol (skin conditions)

  1. Fat is congested in the liver, because the liver sinusoids are swollen shut, due to histamine reaction.
    Indicator: Low SGPT and low triglycerides
    Test for use: Ratio of calcium to magnesium needs to be 1:4
  2. Thyroid is failing to release the nitrogen bond.
    Indicator: High T4
    Test for use: Wachters’ No. 22 Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation.
  3. Oxidation problem within the stomach (pepsin/HCL imbalance)
    Indicators: High Phosphorous
    Test for use: Wachters’ Antioxidative Cell Food Supplement.
  4. Congestion in gut due to bile salts inadequacyIndicator: High Calcium and low total bilirubin

    Test for use: Apple juice (fresh made) 1oz. Per pound of body weight for 3 days. No protein or fats 3 days. Then do 7-day carrot salad.

Triglycerides: 40-160mg/l.

High triglycerides:

  1. pH of glycerol is too acid due to diet and lack of potassium via phosphorylation in stomach
    Indicator: Altered phosphorous
    Test for use: Detox Tea
  2. Fatty acids are not properly oxidized in the gut by pancreatic enzymes.
    Indicator: Low calcium
    Test for use: Wachters’ Sea Klenz  and lecithin

Low Triglycerides:

  1. pH of glycerol is too alkaline due to lack of infusion of chloride via phosphorylation in stomach.
    Test for use: Betaine HCL
  2. Fatty acid congestion in the liver
    Indicator: Low SGPT and low cholesterol
    Test for use:  Wachters’ Stress Tonic Tablet, Wachters’ Futura 200,  lecithin granules.

Uric Acid  (4.5-6.0)

At every level of protein combustion there remains 2 by-products an oily residue (mucus) and a carbon ash (uric acid).  Protein, in order to be fully combusted must be moved across blood vessels walls and must be influenced in the duodenum by trypsin and chymotrypsin from the pancreas.

High Uric Acid

Indicates an excessive mucus condition.  If there is more carbon ash in the blood stream, then there will be more mucus on the membrane.  This is the result of incomplete protein assimilation at the cellular level or gut level.

Test for use: ACZ Nano or  Total Zeolite, , Wachters’ Futura 200, black cherry juice and stop intake of animal protein.

Low Uric Acid

Indicates the possibility of intervesicular parasites, presence of eosinophils and basophils.

Test for use:  Redmond Clay™ every other day.

Glucose (85-110)

Glucose is an important fuel for body metabolism.  For some tissue (the brain) it is almost the sole source of energy.  The forces that maintain its blood level within a relatively narrow range are of great interest.

Glucose enters the body by way of the mouth in the form of starch, dextrin, or other carbohydrates.  In the gastrointestinal tract these substances are broken down first by ptyalin, pancreatic amylase, lactase, and other enzymes.  The glucose is then absorbed in the small intestine and stored as glycogen primarily in the liver.

The liver is also the primary site of glucose production.  It converts lactic acid to glycogen and subsequently converts this to glucose under the influence of epinephrine (fight or flight scenario).  The liver may convert fat and protein to glucose by way of the Kreb Cycle.  This seems to be influenced by adrenal hormones.

There are a lot of organs that are involved in the homeostatic blood sugar regulation.

Liver:  Stores and releases glycogen.
Pancreas:  Pancreatic insulin secretions permeate capillaries and deliver sugar from the blood to Extracellular fluids.
Adrenals:  Secretions of glucocorticoids cause the liver to release glycogen into the blood.
Gonads:  Deliver extracellular glucose to the cells.
Thyroid:  Affects the storage of glycogen in the liver.
Thymus and Spleen:  Function of these organs affects the liver levels of iron and copper which affects the Livers ability to properly handle glucose.
The main thing that glucose points out that the whole system has to work together and the high blood sugar is not just a function or lack of function of the pancreas.

If one does a 6 hour glucose tolerance test, which I do not recommend especially for pregnant mothers, too much stress, if it needs to be done ask the doctor if you can just load up with carbohydrates instead of their drink.

1st half-hour indicates Liver

1st hour indicates Pancreas

2nd hour indicates Adrenal

3rd hour indicate Gonads

4th hour indicates Thyroid

5th and 6th hour indicates Thymus and Spleen

So, one can see that:

Wachters’ Sea Klenz  works on the Pancreas, Adrenals and Gonads.
Wachters’ No. 22 Exclusive Blend of Sea Vegetation works on Gonads and Thyroid.
ACZ Nano or  Total Zeolite, , Wachters’ Futura 200 works on Liver and Adrenals.
The Bottom line is get your 1st urine in the morning to 6.8 pH.


When  I offer suggestions of what to test for use, always do the testing (see kinesiology article). Also, these suggestions assume that you are taking Wachters’ Futura 200.

NOTE: These suggestions are not intended to diagnose or prescribe, merely to offer suggestions of nutritional support.

Regan’s “Normals”

Total Protein 7.2-7.5 BUN/Creat. ratio 13-17
Albumin 4.0-4.3 Uric Acid 4.5-6.0
Globulin 2.5-3.5 Calcium 9.7-10.2
A/G Ratio 1.35-1.60 Phosphorous 3.0-3.5
Bilirubin 0.4-0.6 Cholesterol 150-260
S.G.P.T. 18-22 Triglycerides 40-160
S.G.O.T. 18-22 Glucose 85-110
Alkaline Phos. 65-80 Sodium (NA+) 140-143
LDH 150-170 Potassium   (K+) 4.0-4.3
Bun 13-17 Chloride 100-104
Creatine 0.7-1.0


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